
from United Kingdom 25 - 34

Registered 2/5/2018 1:16:08 PM

Hello, My name is Kristina, I am 24 years old. Here in Rome for 5 months. I speak Russian, English, and Lithuanian. I grew up in the U.K. and studied in London for 3 years. I am a classical pianist and have a huge passion for music but also languages that's why I'm here in Italy, Rome.

Looking for a Satutday day time job

Job offers 2/5/2018 1:26:13 PM

Hey, I'm looking for a Saturday daytime job. I could teach you or your kids piano, or spend some time speaking Russian or English, I could babysit or keep an elderly person some company for a few hours and help out as much as I can. Thank you, look forward to hearing from you....