Certified yoga teacher offers donation-based lessons

Private lessons - Others Offered

Posted by Arianna Italy 10/9/2018 9:23:32 PM

Ciao! Are you curious to try out yoga? Or are you already practising and you are looking to deepen your knowledge about postures, alignment, breathing techniques and so forth? Then this might be just for you! I'm a certified Yoga Alliance YRT-200 yoga teacher, I did my training in English and have experience teaching in both English and Italian. I offer private lessons to small groups as well as individuals. I am choosing to do it on a donation basis since my aim is to try make yoga as accessible as possible, and share my passion with as many people as I can!
The styles I teach are vinyasa (dynamic, powerful style of yoga), yin (more meditative, slow and calm), and a combination of the two. For more info, just drop a message :-)
Namaste! Arianna

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