English lessons

Private lessons - Languages Offered

Posted by Emma Netherlands 9/13/2021 3:40:25 PM

My name is Emma, I'm a 23 year old student living in Rome. I offer private English conversational lessons, as well as help with grammar and vocabulary. These lessons can be for either adults or children.
We can improve your English by just having a relaxing chat about your day, or we can talk about topics like history, literature, politics; depending on your level of English and your goal!
Or is it your child that might need some help with their English homework? I can help with the exercises by speaking in understandable and easy English (and perhaps Italian, but my level is A2).
I study English Language and Culture in the Netherlands and I am currently broadening my studies at Roma Tre university.
Let me know if this sounds appealing to you! We can do it either online or in person. For 15€ per lesson.
Best wishes, Emma

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