Ditals and Dilit certificated teacher

Private lessons - Languages Offered

Posted by Giulia Italy 7/1/2020 2:26:38 PM

Hi everybody! ;-) I'm Giulia, an Italian teacher for foreigner, and I've been teaching for 8 years in the most important language schools of Rome. I'm certificated by Unistrasi (University for Foreigners of Siena) with Ditals and by Dilit (International House), so I'm competent in all the modern teaching methods. First of all, I always like to teach (but also live!) with a smile, to put student at their ease. Then, I strongly believe that to know a language is not only to know the grammar, but understand the conversations, speak with other people, even with mistakes, because often a mistake is the key to better learn. I always try to choose interesting topics to teach a particular part of the language, even considering the target of my students. I like to use readings, conversation listenings, music, videos, games and everything can motivate the students and help them to learn having fun. I also use to do open air classes, in order to learn while discovering the places and the culture. Available on Skype too. If you need to start working in Italy, study in Italy, or simply you fell in love with this crazy but beautiful county (and language), I'm the one you're looking for! Do not hesitate to contact me!
Prices: At my place or Skype: 20€ 1 hour - 25€ 1 hour and half At your place: 25€ 1 hour - 30€ 1 hour and half

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