CHEAPER ENGLISH LESSONS with native British experienced male teacher

Private lessons - Languages Offered

Posted by Andrew United Kingdom 10/15/2018 9:11:12 AM

I am an early thirties Caucasian male British English teacher living in Rome. I have vast teaching experience, having taught in five different countries and I have taught both in language institutes and one to one for private lessons. I have a lot of success due to my commitment and dynamic teaching style.
I have a university degree in modern languages, with knowledge of ten different languages and I can speak Italian. I have extensive knowledge of English language and grammar and can easily explain sentence construction so that you are more comfortable using it.
I can guarantee that after some lessons you will be very comfortable speaking English with me. I am friendly, easy-going and patient so you will feel at ease talking to me. I'm also good at making conversation and keeping it flowing.
I am willing to offer lessons cheaper than the normal price (people charge 15-20 for private lessons I hear for one hour). Depending on your income we can talk about it and you can tell me what you need. I would like to offer this as a service to you as well as a source of income for myself.
Get in touch and let's begin advancing your English.

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