Seeking Caring Nanny for Five Month Old Baby Boy - Italian/American couple

Babysitters/waiters/housekeepers Offered

Posted by DJS United States 6/12/2019 1:27:39 PM

Nanny needed for a wonderful five month old baby boy, friendly Italian-American couple living minutes from the Colosseum. We are an active family of four, American husband and Italian woman, with a delightful four year old girl and five month old son (will be five months in September 2019). We are looking for a caring, experienced nanny to take care of our baby boy during the week from September onwards. We have a nice house, close to a park, shops and restaurants in central Rome. Looking for someone to care for our baby boy while we're at work, and great if some help can be provided around the home at times.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

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