people to interview for NEWS!!

Let's get a coffee together Wanted

Posted by Megan Australia 5/8/2018 6:17:19 PM

Hi! My name is Megan Birot, I'm a freelance journalist travelling to Rome next week to write about Italy's declining birth rate, the phenomenon of the "mammone" and other social issues. I'm desperately looking for people to interview on these topics and you'll get free coffee in exchange for 15 mins of your time. Great deal right? =) I'm looking for: Italians who have kids. Italians who chose not to have kids. Any over person over 25 who still lives at home. Anyone who has an opinion is willing to talk about their lives as Italians etc. Please help me out.
Side note: FOR ANGELO Angelo if you read this please email me at so we can continue our conversation because my previous account got deleted.

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