2+ bedrooms apartment in Trastevere / Monteverde (along Tram 8)

Apartments Wanted

Posted by Azu Japan 11/6/2017 2:28:13 PM

Ciao a tutti! I'm looking for a flat for me and my friend. Our budget is up to 800 EUR (including all bills, preferably). If you don't mind us to convert the living room into a bedroom, 1 bedroom apartment also works for us.
We both work for the company in Trastevere so we want someplace along tram 8 (or possibly tram 3)
If you have 3+ bedrooms flat, our budget is negotiable as we can find someone to share with us. (in case it's 3+ bedrooms, we need 2 toilets for 3+ people)
Thanks for reading my message. Grazie:)

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