TANGO ARGENTINO starts 14 September!!! Join us, the first lesson is free

Private lessons - Others Offered

Posted by Ula Poland 9/4/2015 9:18:37 AM

TANGO ARGENTINO - the first tango dance lesson for FREE! classes in English, Spanish, Italian, Polish
group lessons: - Basic level (first steps) Monday 21:15- 22:30 - Intermediate level Wednesday 21:00- 22:15
-we will teach you the principles, the steps and figures -we will help you to enter into the tango community in Rome -we will introduce you the cultural background of Argentina -we will awake the creativity, musicality and joy in your body -we will show you the riches of the tango music (composers, orchestras)
Where? CASA DELLA PACE via di Monte Testaccio 22 Tel. 3469468916 fb:casa della pace testaccio https://http://www.facebook.com//events/762675587193412/
3334267738 3296333719
With who? With experienced dance teachers Diego y Ula

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