Seeking: Accomodation in exchange for English lessons/Babysitting/Cleaning

Rooms Wanted

Posted by Molly United Kingdom 4/4/2014 11:17:32 AM

Ciao! I am new to Italy from England.. I am looking for a room/accommodation to stay on for a few months while I am here.
I teach English in the day to children & adults (I usually charge 15euro an hour) So I offer this service for free!!! As many lessons as you would like a week in exchange for somewhere to stay! I can also clean the house, and take care of any children you may have. But I would prefer not to work early in the mornings.
Because I have not been paid from my job yet so I cannot rent a room! Also I do not want to deal with landlords contracts etc I would rather stay with you like a friend and in return I can give you as much practice with your English as you would like.
I was working as an au-pair and I would do this work again, but I didn't like the children & mother of my previous family :( I would prefer to work with older children who are obediant and polite and who want to learn English!

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