Looking for a housemate to share a house in Marina di Cerveteri

Apartments Wanted

Posted by Nancy Italy 8/1/2015 12:00:06 PM

Hi there. I am an English teacher who works in Rome, but I'm looking to leave the capital and live in Marina di Cerveteri near the sea in a quiet town. I am looking for a housemate to share a flat there. Prices are 500/600 euros month for a two bedroom house or flat. I haven't found the flat yet but if you are willing we can look together and find a beautiful quiet house by the sea. It takes about 25 min on the train to get back into Rome.
Now I'm looking for somebody who is very clean; that's very important, respectful of personal space and sociable. If you speak other languages that would be awesome. I don't have ANY preference of gender, age, sexuality, religion. Just as long as you are open minded and clean that's fine :)
If you are person working in Rome and want to live in a quiet town by the sea and don't want to pay the expensive prices of Rome get in contact with me.

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