Large and sunny room in Colli Albani - metro A

Apartments Offered

Posted by Fabio Italy 8/10/2017 10:01:57 AM

Renting a room (short or long term) in a big, third floor apartment with shared bathroom and 2 balconies. The room is really large (23m2) and it has a full bed, table, couch, wardrobe and a balcony. €450/month utilities included. The apartment is in Via Mario Menghini 18 near the beautiful Caffarella Park. It's just 100 m from the Colli Albani metro station. I live in the flat with an other guy. 1 month deposit required. the room is available Now. No Pets. Smoking is only allowed on the balcony. Bed sheets, blankets, pillows and bath towels are available on your arrival, if needed. Tel. 3289580534 Fabio

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