Friends in Axa - Acilia - Casal Palocco - Malafede

Let's get a coffee together Offered

Posted by Clem France 12/2/2016 10:32:03 AM

Ciao! I work and live as an au pair in a family in Axa and I would like to meet people and make new friends in my zone : Axa - Acilia - Casal Palocco - Malafede - Casal Bernocchi - Infernetto. Indeed with my schedule and due to difficulties with the public transport in my zone (and I don't have a car), it's quite difficult to reach the city center everyday and I would like to enjoy a coffee / meal / gelato / talk with people near me. I don't offer language exchange. I'm only looking for new friends, girls especially to share more things in common. ;-) Hope to hear from you soon!

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