Love Your Spine GYROKINESISŸ class

Health & beauty Offered

Posted by Ula Poland 11/6/2015 12:36:23 AM

Gyrokinesis exercises allow one to work on the entire body through seven natural elements of spinal movement: forward, backward, left side, right side, left twist, right twist and circular, as well as all other joint articulation. This approach systematically and gently works the joints and muscles through rhythmic and undulating movements. These movements stimulate the body’s internal organs while different corresponding breathing patterns are integrated along with the movements. 

Fluidity is the key. Postures are not held for long periods of time. Instead, postures are smoothly and harmoniously connected through the use of breath, making exercises appear and feel more like a dance and swimming than like traditional yoga. 

The corresponding breathing patterns executed during every movement stimulate the nervous system, open up the energy pathways and oxygenate the blood. The more advanced classes offer endurance training to participants prepared for more strenuous activities. All Gyrokinesis classes, from beginner to advanced, encompass not only sitting but also lying and standing positions. 

Those who practice Gyrokinesis exercises tend to be more relaxed in their daily lives and can move with increased flexibility and ease.
Group lesson: 
Saturday 11.00-12.30 Wednesday 18.45- 20.00 via Filarete 115 Rome

teacher: Ula Wojtkowiak, certified Gyrokinesis trainer

for private lessons info 3334267738
lessons in English, Italian…

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