Apartments Offered

Posted by Netta Israel 7/5/2017 10:23:08 AM

I'm renting out my room with a double bed for two months from 18 July (perhaps sooner) to 11 September in a very central, yet very quiet and green zone less than 100 meters from Piramide metro B, and Ostiense train station (which means the beach is only 30 minutes away! and so is the airport!!!) There are two very nice and respectful roommates living there (one guy and one girl). The price is 450 euros a month, all included (appliances, bedsheets, etc) and a FREE BIKE to get around the center easily:) The neighborhood is full of bars and restaurants (but peaceful) and is very close to both Testacchio and Trastevere, two of the best neighborhoods in Rome for go out for a drink or a good meal. The perfect spot to pass the summer in Rome! For more info call 3925355561 or email

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