Hatha Yoga and Meditation Classes and Reiki Sessions

Health & beauty

Posted by Ivonne Germany 5/22/2014 7:38:51 PM

I was born and raised up in Germany. In 2006 i moved to Southern Afrika where my Spiritual Journey began. My Yoga Journey started when i met Prof. Prabir from Karmakar Institut of Yoga in 2008 in Hong Kong. Since then i had been practicing Yoga with eager Interest on a daily Basis and I soon realised the Benefits of Yoga for Mind, Body and Heart.
Apart from my 200 Hour Yoga Alliance certified Teacher Qualification i travel regularly to India to spend time in Ashrams and Yoga Universities and to widen my practice and Knowledge in the Subjects of Yoga Asanas, Meditation and the Art of Healing with Hands (Reiki). My teachers include Vagish Shastri, Jameshwar Kunthia and Ma Dharm Jyoti.
I have participated in open India Yoga Championships in India, where i became second in 2009 and first in 2010. I love to share my Joy for Yoga and Meditation with everyone. I hope to assist people to develop a peaceful and confident Mind, healthy Body and Life Style.
If interested contact me to enquirer Prices and arrange your personal prefered Time for your ikndividuell or Group Lesson.
Mail to: Ivonne.tiesler@gmail.com or Call under 3342824233.
Namaste, Ivonne

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