RNS Bar Tour

Hobbies & interests Offered

Posted by Alicia United States 6/30/2015 11:32:15 AM

Hello everyone!
Tonight again is the RNS Bar Tour. 20 euros to join us. You will get one hour of open bar at our new prime sponsored location along the Teverestate (the seasonal bars along the Tevere river), free welcome shots, and free club entry.
It's a great opportunity to meet us and other cool people on a night out in Rome!
Meeting point: Piazza Venezia directly in front of the big white building (can't miss it)! Look for the group with the red umbrella... or you can always just shout "pub-crawl" and we'll find you! ;) ;)
Bring your friends. Pre-party walking beers will be provided to all of those who confirm their attendance ahead of time via whatsapp (+1 720 514 2690)
Hope to see you there !! :D

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