Certificated Italian language teacher for foreigners/Italian lessons

Private lessons - Languages Offered

Posted by Giulia Italy 1/31/2016 1:51:26 PM

Hi everybody! Are you a foreigner and are you looking for an Italian teacher? Here I am! If you need a mother tongue, kind, prefessional, expert and cheap teacher, don't hesitate to contact me! I completed my studies in Contemporary Italian Linguistics, major in Publishing and Journalism, at the University of "Roma 3". I received several teaching certificates: Ditals 1, Ditals 2 (from the University for Foreigners of Siena) and DILIT (from Dilit International House), so I'm competent in all the newest teaching methods, based on the harmonious development of the four major skills (oral and written comprehension and production). I've been teaching Italian for three years in different schools and companies. With a prior school where I worked, I took part to many european projects about teaching languages and e-learning. I can teach to groups or single students, beginner, intermediate and advanced level, so you can learn from the beginning or just to improve your Italian. I work with reads, authentic linstenings, songs, dinamic activities, games and averything that can help you to learn having fun in a relaxed situation. I can prepare you to the CELI and CILS exams and in my courses you don't need a book, I'll give you photocopies lessons by lessons. I live near via Tuscolana, close to the metro (A line). Low prices, starting from 15€/h to 12€/h (dipending from the hours you buy and how many you are).
See you soon, Ghila

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