Anyone want to jam or start a music project?

Hobbies & interests Wanted

Posted by Paul United Kingdom 9/12/2014 1:58:19 PM

Hey, I'm Paul, 29 year old English musician looking for other musicians in Rome. I'm pretty open minded really, could be an acoustic folk duo, rock band, jam band, whatever. I just want to play music and have fun! I play guitar, drums, bass and sing and also write. I really do love many types of music, 50's rocknroll , The Beatles (obviously) 90's alt rock, indie, folk, punk, new wave, 60's, 70's, 80's, Pavement, Neil Young, Beach Boys, Wilco, Grandaddy, Elvis, Dinosaur Jr, Pixies, R Stevie Moore, The Smiths, the list really is endless.
Get in touch!

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