Other jobs/services Wanted

Posted by Gew Philippines 11/15/2017 3:35:17 PM

I'm from Philippines. I just recently arrived in Rome, Italy. I was petitioned by my Filipino husband who have been living in Rome for 10 years with his family. I'm seeking for any job that would fit my English knowledge because I'm still in the process of learning Italian language. I was a Team Leader who manages the team and make sure they meet our targets back in the Philippines. I worked on different kind of fields like gaming company (mobile and PC), BPO company, digital marketing, research analyst, social media specialist, field events etc. I can also do baby sitting since I love kids and I used to look after my nieces and nephews and I know that I easily capture kids' heart since I have a pleasing personality. I'm also good at cleaning or organizing stuff/ doing the chores. I'm a fast learner, so even if I don't know that job, I can adopt faster with less supervision. All Filipinos are known to be hardworking and dedicated. Please contact me soon. Thank you! :) CP NO: 3272355289

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