Accommodation in Rome - I Part Living in Rome

8/5/2010 by Margarita Millere Latvia

Finding an accommodation might in the beginning seem to be an easy task. If you open a website or a newspaper you will see many advertisements, which seemed to respond to your wishes. However after you start calling, viewing the properties, you will realise that this process is not as easy, as it seems.
Ok, let’s start. You want to find an accommodation. What should you do? The options are approximately the following: you can search online, use local newspapers, advertisements or ask an agency to do this job for you. Agency (agenzia immobiliare) is a good option if you do not have time and/or wish to get into details of the advertisements and you have enough funding available. An agent will find the appropriate options for you. Some are really lucky with the agency – for a little fee (less than a monthly rent) they got very nice places. Experience of others could be not so positive and the options found for them could be divided into two parts – 1) beautiful, exclusive and expensive, and 2) problematic accommodation (= apartments which have some fault because of which they cannot be easily rented).
If you for some reason do not want to use the services of agenzia immobiliare, try local newspapers and websites. In case you are still abroad, then most likely you will use internet. The main websites, which can be used throughout Italy, are:,, if you are searching for an accommodation in Rome, then valid also Wherever you are looking for an accommodation, check whether there are local websites, they are often better (i.e. have more advertisements for your specific zone) than the national equivalents. Advertisements in English language for an accommodation in Rome can be found under, and of course These are only some of the examples. If you know some other good websites, you could add them in the comments.
The other option is to go through local press. The differences from the internet is that in press you see at once all the options, which is not always possible online. So there is a higher chance that you will find an advertisement of your interest, however it will take you more time to go through all of them, as usually the advertisements are divided comfortably into subcategories to ease your search. Thus, in the newspaper you cannot use “search” button and almost always there are no photos. Most likely you will try different search options and find the most suitable for you. Whichever it is – good luck! To be continued…

Margarita Millere Latvia

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